Recently, I have been thinking about what it means to perform at your best, all the time... OR, at least work your hardest to perform your best everyday, in whatever capacity you see fit, feel good about, or physically can and are willing to do at that moment.
My number one reason for thinking this way is due to my creative action towards starting my own small business, as a private chef in Boulder, Colorado. Boulder offers incredible opportunity for those who wish to work hard and have a desire to achieve. It's a major reason why I choose to move here, with my #1 girl, pro woman's mountain bike and XTERRA racer, Heidi Rentz of HR Multi-Sport Coaching. We have dedicated our lives to an active lifestyle, filled with adventure, unknowns, new people, and challenge. Boulder has risen the bar for both of us, and demands attention to detail and committed work ethic. An attitude leading us towards delivering the highest quality product in our industry; Heidi as a professional athletic coach/racer and myself as a nutritional, farm to table chef. The drive to succeed has already brought us great fortune in meeting wonderful, new friends. However, it has brought us to new heights in our professional careers, and is allowing us to experiment, craft, provide different ways of doing things for our clients now and in the future. It is so cool!!! My second reason for thinking this way, forming a stream of thought around sustaining a way of life, and the potential outcome; is my recent time spent cooking for professional triathlete and 2015 triathlon world championship contender: Ben Hoffman. I have spent a lot of time around athletes, one's who have done or do very well in their respective sports. However, Ben is one of the most down to earth, real people I have ever met. His outlook on achievement and success in the sport of triathlon is incredible and inspiring. Ben has taken a natural gift as an athlete and created a fantastic journey out of it. In a smooth and energetic motion, he has maintained his professional career as a triathlete, but as an ambassador of sport and the dedication to what it takes to remain healthy, in shape, and excited about the road to the 2015 world championships in Kona, Hawaii. With only 8 weeks until Kona, I walked into Ben's kitchen and began cooking weekly meals, ready for him to be finished with each days training plan. Finally, a real life experiment in food, to see the actual results of my recipe's ability to help one of the best in the world in triathlon towards achieving the results he desires. The last 3 weeks have been an unparalleled opportunity, one I will remember throughout the duration of my career as a private chef. Furthermore, it helps me understand the sustainability of a way of life. As an athlete, business man or woman, or chef, we all must face challenges, filled with moments to explore new ideas and ways of doing things. The relationship that athletes have with their food is paramount in succeeding the goals each have set out for themselves. A chef can help you redevelop that relationship, and provide insight into what it means to train harder, and eat better! Maintain your lifestyle by understanding how to fuel in a way that can and will provide great results. Maintain your body, help foster a sustainable future for your local economy, and feel great while doing so. I look forward to cooking for you soon!! Warm Regards, Zander Ault @bhoffmanracing @iamspecialized_tri @zootsports @rallysportboulder @tenderbelly @infinite_chimp Comments are closed.
May 2016
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